Furthering talents

Discover and develop young talents early.

AS Profiling is there to help enterprises and their young talents even before the apprenticeship period has ended, in order to set the stage for a future career plan. This will answer questions such as: What further studies or trainings should be recommended? How can we improve the content of the apprenticeship program? At what stage would it be best to move to permanent employment, or could it be beneficial to offer advanced training?

Our framework includes personality profiling as well as supervised conversations to select those measures that will offer the greatest future potential for employees.

Our Talent Development program:

  • Consulting, concept design, guidance and moderation of a (Kick-Off) Event
  • 3-dimensional personality analysis and comparison with job profiles
  • Individual career development conversations to explore job perspectives
  • Profile of personal strengths and areas for development
  • Aggregated evaluation (of all participants) and advanced development analysis

What young talents say:

Nils K. talks about his experience with Profiling (in German language).

How Khannita G. plans her career (in German language).

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